读书阁 > 玄幻魔法 > 冠世仙龙 > 第235章 巨妖的狩猎场

第235章 巨妖的狩猎场(1 / 3)




『Cyan loong。』


『Maybe it's very sad news for you。』


『Please leave。』


『This is not where you should stay。』


『Disaster in the depths of the universe has awakened。』


『He has destroyed countless countries and destroyed countless lives。』


『Now, his goal is you。 The best fighters here。』


『You can't let human beings suffer with you, you can't let more people die with you。』


『You should fight him and protect human beings, but you should not wait for him to e here and kill more people。』


『You and his fight, will only cause the disappearance of countless lives。』


最新小说: 鉴宝大玩家 我被系统带偏了 无边神力 重生之仙帝奶爸 超能仙医 都市之天降鸿运 无敌炼气期 最强枭皇 无敌从狂野吞噬开始 极品小渔夫