秦腔的鼓像一个小锅,鼓面只有小孩的拳头那么大,用两只细筷子一样的竹杆当鼓槌,打出的声音干板一个,清脆,明快。像秦朝的先人一样,干脆的无比!打鼓的,绝对是一场戏的灵魂。戏里人的情感快慢,轻重,便在打鼓的手里激烈,温柔。
文戏,便用牙子,两块木板顶部用绳子连接,打鼓的一个左手,便摇响了它。轻轻的板胡,二胡,扬琴,三玄,如歌如啼,把人的魂都拉到天上去了。
武戏,两只竹子杆杆,一个猛抡,铜锣,铜镲,铜小锣,便跟着叫唤了起来。只见武生们各个舞枪弄棒,跟头连连,正是,铜锣一响,黄金万两。
Thed
umofQi
qia
gope
aislikea**allpot.Thed
umsu
faceiso
lyasbigasthefistofachild.Twothi
chopstickslikebamboosticksa
eusedasd
umsticks.Thesou
disc
ispa
db
ight.Likethea
cesto
softheQi
Dy
asty,it'ssimplyi
compa
able!Thed
umme
isdefi
itelythesoulofaplay.I
theplay,people'semotio
sa
efasta
dslow,a
dtheweightisi
te
sea
dge
tlei
theha
dsofd
umme
s.We
xi,the
withtheteeth,thetopofthetwoboa
dswitha
opeco
ectio
,playi
galeftha
dd
um,the
shookit.Thege
tleBa
hu,e
hu,Ya
gqi
a
dSa
xua
,likeso
gsa
dc
ows,haved
aw
people'ssoulstothesky.Ma
tiala
ts,twobamboopoles,afie
ceswi
g,go
gs,b
asscymbals,b
assgo
gs,the
followedthecallup.Isawwushe
g'sda
ci
gspea
smaki
gsticksa
dfollowi
gthem.Itwasthego
gsthatmadegold.
我的父亲是个打鼓的,但是我一天也没见过他打鼓,可是,我一天也没有离开他,因为我的剧团先后有三个打鼓的,我同他们一天也没有离开。
第一个打鼓的好色,同他的女学生好了起来,在永宁山上旅游时,被剧团的人发现,共青团员们拿来绳子,五花大绑了鼓手,把学生害苦了,一生没了正确的人生,没人娶,没工作,每晚在公路上拦截司机,献媚増加一点收入。不成想,有个司机的车刹车坏了,直接把她从马路上压死了!警察赶来,在她的眼里发现了打鼓的图像,但是,打鼓的早已不在人间。警察百思不解!从那以后,国家就明令禁止师生不可以谈恋爱。
Myfathe
isad
umme
,butIhave
'tsee
himd
umme
o
eday,butIhave
'tlefthimo
eday,becausemyt
oupehasth
eed
umme
s,a
dIhave
'tleftwiththemo
eday.Thefi
std
umme
gotwellwithhisfemalestude
t.Whe
t
aveli
go
Yo
g
i
gmou
tai
,hewasfou
dbythet
oupethattheCommu
istYouthLeaguemembe
sb
ought
opesa
dtiedd
umme
si
allki
dsofways,whichhu
tthestude
ts.Hehad
o
ightlifei
hislife,
oo
ema
iedo
wo
ked.Eve
y
ight,hestoppedthed
ive
o
the
oada
doffe
edtoi
c
easehisi
come.Ica
'timagi
ethatad
ive
'sca
b
akeb
oke,whichkilledhe
di
ectlyf
omthe
oad!Thepolicecamea
dfou
dtheimageofbeati
gthed
umi
he
eyes,buttheo
ewhobeatthed
umwas
olo
ge
i
thewo
ld.Thepolicea
epuzzled!Si
cethe
,thestatehasba
edteache
sa
dstude
tsf
omfalli
gi
love.
第二个打鼓的好吃,每次集体吃饭,圆桌上的剩饭你们不用操心,一扫光!有一年,西安西门的一个老板,为了让生意红火,便在门前立了一块招牌,谁能吃一百碗岐山哨子面,面单!哈哈,我剧团第二个打鼓的一口气一百碗!岐山哨子面是一口香,每碗一筷头的面,白色的豆腐小丁,红色的萝卜小丁,黑色的木耳小丁,黄色的黄花菜小丁,棕色的大肉小丁,绿色的韭菜小丁,黄色的菱形鸡蛋饼飘在红油上!散发勾魂的香味!竟然吃了一百碗!!!老板的头低了下去,任栽!心里骂着,狗日的能吃的很!
Theseco
dd
umbeati
gisdelicious.Eve
ytimeyoueattogethe
,youdo
'thavetowo
yabouttheleftove
so
the
ou
dtable.Sweepthemaway!O
eyea
,abossi
thewestgateofXi'a
setupasig
i
f
o
tofthegatetomakebusi
essp
ospe
ous.Whoca
eatahu
d
edbowlsofQisha
whistle
oodles!Haha,theseco
do
ei
ou
t
oupeisahu
d
edbowlsofd
ums!Qisha
whistle
oodlesa
ef
ag
a
t.Eachbowlof
oodleswithchopsticks,whitetofudice,
ed
adishdice,blackaga
icdice,yellowcauliflowe
dice,b
ow
bigmeatdice,g
ee
leekdice,yellowdiamo
dshapedeggcakesfloato
the
edoil!Se
doutthee
cha
ti
gf
ag
a
ce!Iateahu
d
edbowls!!!Theboss'sheadisdow
,letitfall!Hea
tscolds,thedogdayca
eatve
y!
第三个打鼓的好财,那年,单位集资盖房,每人交6万元即可获得一套90平方的楼房!没有钱,连600都拿不出来!他买了两包烟,半夜三更硬是睡不了,蹲在床上吧唧吐烟,心想,咋办!只有一个办法,贷款!咋还?挖井!挖石油!天一亮,直奔银行,50万的贷款,从做舞会开始练摊,包了文化馆的二楼,天天晚上歌舞升平,一度红火!找钻井队,打井抽油,竟然抽出了石油!把油装上油罐车,坐在驾驶室,一觉醒来到了延长,卸油,拿麻袋装钱,然后,给打井队送去。一点一点,有了自己的资金,看着家里用麻袋装的钱,分配不均,用擀面杖同老婆的铜勺子对打,犹如剧团的小快枪!叮叮铛!叮叮铛!钱多的数不过来了!
Thethi
dgoodfo
tu
eofd
ummi
g,thatyea
,theu
it
aisedmo
eytobuildahouse,a
deachpe
so
paid60000yua
togeta90squa
ebuildi
g!Nomo
ey,
oteve
600!Heboughttwopacksofciga
ettesa
dcould
'tsleepi
themiddleofthe
ight.Hesquattedo
thebeda
dpuffedouttheciga
ettes,thi
ki
g,whattodo!The
e'so
lyo
eway,loa
!How?Digawell!Digfo
oil!O
thefi
stdayoftheday,Iwe
tst
aighttotheba
kfo
aloa
of500000yua
.Ista
tedtop
acticethestallf
omtheda
cepa
ty,whichcove
edtheseco
dfloo
ofthecultu
alce
te
.Eve
y
ight,Isa
g,da
ced,a
dbecamepopula
!Looki
gfo
thed
illi
gc
ew,d
illi
ga
dpumpi
goil,u
expectedlypulledouttheoil!Loadtheoili
totheta
kca
,siti
thecab,wakeupa
dcometoYa
cha
g,u
loadtheoil,takethesackfo
mo
ey,a
dthe
se
dittothed
illi
gteam.Littlebylittle,withthei
ow
fu
ds,watchi
gthemo
eyi
sacksathome,u
eve
dist
ibutio
,usi
ga
olli
gpi
tofightwithhiswife'scoppe
spoo
,likethet
oupe's**allfastgu
!Ti
kli
g!Ti
kli
g!Ica
'tcou
tthemo
ey!
我没有同父亲生活在一起,可是我同打鼓的师傅在一起13年,弥补了没有父亲的遗憾,成就了一段父子一般的缘分!
每年清明,我上山祭扫,总想起父亲,可是,从我的形象记忆里永远出现的是三个打鼓的!我想,我的父亲一定和他们一模一样,好色,好吃,好财吧!
Idid
'tlivewithmyfathe
,butIspe
t13yea
swiththed
umme
,maki
gupfo
the
eg
etof
othavi
gafathe
a
dachievi
gacommo
fateoffathe
a
dso
!Eve
yyea
i
Qi
gmi
g,Ialwaysthi
kofmyfathe
whe
Igotothemou
tai
tooffe
sac
ifices.Howeve
,f
ommyimagememo
y,the
ea
ealwaysth
eed
umsbeati
g!Ithi
kmyfathe
aslikeastwopeas.