秦腔乐队的板胡永远看不起二胡,可是二胡在秦腔里的表现的是灵魂。你听,当戏的音乐过门时,二胡拉的是优美,是温柔,是秦人的善良!
有一天,二胡老师孟老师叫我在他的跟前,听一曲【豫北叙事曲】,如女人的哭泣,抽搐着,轻轻的哭泣,把人的肠子要哭断的声音!我被震撼,我暗暗发誓,总有一天我要用手风琴拉出这个曲子!因为这个曲子用音乐表现了剧团我们艰辛,困苦,挣扎,欢乐和悲哀。
改革开放像春风,吹开了剧团每个人的梦想。有跑到西藏挣钱的美工画师,有嫁到长安的幸福媒旦,有钻到女人堆里色情无限,有跑到乡下文化站看书谝闲传。
Ba
huofQi
ope
aba
dalwaysdespisese
hu,butthepe
fo
ma
ceofE
hui
Qi
ope
aissoul.Youliste
,whe
themusicoftheplaypassesby,e
hupullisbeautiful,ge
tle,istheki
d
essoftheQi
people!O
eday,M
.Me
g,thee
huteache
,askedmetoliste
toaballadi
the
o
thofHe
a
ovi
ce,suchasawoma
'sc
y,twitch,c
ysoftly,a
db
eakthevoiceofpeople'si
testi
es!Iwasshocked,Isec
etlyvowedthato
edayIwouldusetheacco
dio
toplaythistu
e!Becausethemusicshowsthecompa
y'sha
dships,ha
dships,st
uggles,joysa
dso
ows.Refo
ma
dope
i
guplikethesp
i
gb
eeze,blowi
gope
thed
eamofeve
yo
ei
thet
oupe.The
ea
ea
tistsa
dpai
te
swhohavego
etoTibettoea
mo
ey,happymediumswhohavebee
ma
iedtoCha
g'a
,po
og
aphicwome
whohavego
etothecou
t
ysidecultu
alstatio
to
eadbooksa
dsp
eadthema
ou
d.
孟老师便领着老婆小霞过年前回到西安孟家村,全家看着漫天大雪,家徒四壁,唯一值钱的竟然是在志丹购置的杜丽木案板!可能值几十块钱。没钱吃饭,没有生机,小霞轻轻的问孟老师一声,隔壁过白事,想请个吹鼓手,咱去不?孟老师想都没想,一个字,去!
拿起唢呐便一个秦腔曲牌【哭黄天】!吹的是惊天地泣鬼神!给主家当哭手也能挣钱,老婆左右手拉着儿女,三个哭手趴在坟头哭的死去活来!人家过年笑,孟家过年哭!
哭黄天,从陕北回到家乡,美好的家一贫如洗。哭黄天!文艺工作者要当了红白事的吹鼓手!孟老师把吹小号的功夫使出,吹出了悲哀,吹出了名气,那一吹,吹得满村阴气沉沉,那一吹,吹的方圆十里八乡都来邀请!
.Me
gledhiswifeXiaoxiabacktoMe
gjiavillagei
Xi'a
befo
ethe
ewyea
.Thewholefamilywatchedthes
owsa
dthefamilywe
ehelpless.Theo
lyvaluableo
ewasthedullimuboa
dpu
chasedi
Zhida
!Itcouldbewo
thte
sofdolla
s.Nomo
eytoeat,
ovitality,XiaoXiage
tlyaskedM
.Me
g,
extdoo
tothewhitematte
,wa
ttoi
vitead
umme
,let'sgo?MissMe
gdid
'teve
thi
kaboutit.O
ewo
d,go!Pickupsuo
aa
dthe
aQupaiofQi
qia
gope
a[c
yyellowsky]!It'saboutc
yi
gghostsa
dgods!Whe
youc
yfo
themaste
,youca
alsoea
mo
ey.You
wifeisholdi
ghe
child
e
byhe
lefta
d
ightha
ds.Th
eec
yi
gha
dslieo
theg
avea
dc
ytodeath!Peoplelaughatthe
ewyea
a
dtheMe
gfamilyc
y!C
yyellowsky,
etu
homef
om
o
the
Shaa
xi,beautifulhomeispoo
.C
yyellow!Lite
a
ya
da
two
ke
swa
ttobetheD
umme
sof
eda
dwhiteaffai
s!M
.Me
gusedhisku
gfutoplayt
umpet.Heblewoutso
owa
dfame.Whe
heblewit,thevillagewasfullofgloom.Whe
heblewit,allthevillagescametoi
vitehim!
不几年,孟老师音乐上了中央电视台,星光大道!各地邀请的电话,邀请函像雪花一样飞到孟家。儿子豆豆的歌唱的是喜马拉雅山一样的高,女儿的喜剧相声如山泉一般欢快流淌!
有过艰难,外地演出遇到一群混混,孟老师拿起一根五米的木头棍子冲了上去!混混没有见过这阵势,便落荒而逃!
有过心酸,小霞妈妈在给儿子述说心酸的家世,儿子默默流着眼泪给妈妈洗脚。在陕北,我住过厕所,住过粮仓,能住在戏台上,也是幸福。吃过杂粮,玉米高粱,小米荞面,吃过树叶榆钱,咽过黑糠窝窝。一件衣服便穿一生!可是,我们快乐,在舞台上,笑着,乐着,天天不知道这世上什么叫苦日子!
afewyea
s,M
.Me
gmusico
Ave
ue!Pho
ecallsa
di
vitatio
sf
omallove
thecou
t
yflytoMe
g'shomelikes
owflakes.So
Doudou'ssi
gi
gisashighastheHimalayas,a
ddaughte
'scomicc
osstalkisashappyasthemou
tai
sp
i
g!The
ehavebee
difficulties,thefieldpe
fo
ma
cee
cou
te
edag
oupofga
gste
s,M
.Me
gpickedupafivemete
woodstick
ushedup!Thega
gste
sdid
'tseethissituatio
,sothey
a
away!O
cesad,Xiaoxia'smothe
wastelli
ghe
so
'ssadfamilybackg
ou
d,a
dhe
so
sile
tlyshedtea
stowashhe
feet.I
No
the
Shaa
xi,Ihavelivedi
thetoilet,i
theg
a
a
y,a
do
thestage,whichisalsohappi
ess.Ihaveeate
g
ai
s,co
so
ghum,milleta
dbuckwheat
oodles,leavesa
delmmo
ey,a
dblackchaffbu
s.O
epieceofclothi
gwilllastalifetime!But,wea
ehappy,o
thestage,laughi
g,happy,do
otk
owwhatthewo
ld'sbitte
dayseve
yday!
孟老师家里盖了四层楼,一家幸福的听着手机【快手】里,孟老师在拉的二胡!【信天游】,【二泉映月】,快乐总是找到那些苦过来的人!幸福也总是找到辛勤劳作的人们!孟老师一家苦过,孟老师一家辛勤过,孟老师一家便一定快乐幸福过!
.Me
g'shousebuiltfou
floo
s,a
dahappyliste
stothemobilepho
e[KwaiFu],theteache
'steache
ispulli
gthee
hu.[Xi
tia
you],[E
qua
eflectsthemoo
],happi
essalwaysfi
dsthosewhohavesuffe
ed!Happi
essalsoalwaysfi
dspeoplewhowo
kha
d!M
.Me
g'sfamilyhassuffe
ed,M
.Me
g'sfamilyhaswo
kedha
d,a
dM
.Me
g'sfamilywillsu
elybehappya
dhappy!