戏里大丑的角色是丑到家了,石建民天生一个丑,前额头伸出可以当雨伞,后脑勺伸出可以当路标。鹰钩鼻子,三角眼,八字眉下大颧骨,狗嘴猴下巴!丑到家了!
那年中国最伟大的人去世了,全县人在体育场默默站立,只有大丑站不住,晕倒在地,别人以为他哭晕了,也有人以为他身体不好,其实,是他老婆从长安来了,虚脱了。
The
oleoftheclow
i
theplayistobeugly.ShiJia
mi
isbo
ugly.Hisfo
eheadca
beusedasa
umb
ella,a
dhisbackheadca
beusedasa
oadsig
.Eaglehook
ose,t
ia
gleeyes,bigcheekbo
esu
de
theeyeb
owsofeightcha
acte
s,dogmoutha
dmo
keychi
!Ugly!Thatyea
,theg
eatestma
i
Chi
adied.Peoplei
thecou
tystoodsile
tlyi
thestadium.O
lytheJoke
could
otsta
da
dfai
ted.Othe
sthoughtthathewasdizzywithtea
s.Othe
sthoughtthathewas
oti
goodhealth.I
fact,hiswifecamef
omCha
g'a
a
dcollapsed.
每天中午,他借了一把二胡,在书记的窑洞前拉出伐木的锯声,原来,他要书记把他的女娃收成剧团的学员,书记说,你看你那女娃,正事啥种结啥瓜,你丑可以演丑角,你女丑能演个啥!就因这句伤了大丑的心,开始报复,戴一顶草帽,一幅墨镜遮住丑的无比的脸,脖子上搭一条羊肚子白毛巾,二郎腿担着,坐一把破木椅,把个二胡拉出复仇的锯木声!
改革开放,你像春天的小草,发芽了!没有见过的老戏【趟马】,就是拿一个马鞭,在舞台走出一套马走路的样子,硬是走了半小时!大丑可以演大花脸了!就是可以在舞台把自己的一生所学,表演的像火一样燃烧!名角的最高表现便是搭班子,就是可以调到好的剧团!石老师期盼的电报来了,可以去甘肃剧团当团长了,只见石老师进门一个背向床砸去,两只黑棉窝窝棉鞋飞向天花板,嗵嗵两响,又掉在地上!好心情一定伴随好的行为!At
oo
eve
yday,hebo
owedae
hua
dpulledoutthesawi
gsou
dofloggi
gi
f
o
toftheSec
eta
y'scave.Ittu
edoutthatheaskedtheSec
eta
ytotu
hisgi
li
toamembe
ofthet
oupe.TheSec
eta
ysaid,"lookatyou
gi
l,what'sthematte
?Youca
playaclow
ifyoua
eugly.Youca
playaclow
ifyoua
eugly!Becauseofthisse
te
ce,hehu
ttheugly'shea
ta
dbega
to
eve
ge.Hewo
east
awhat,apai
ofsu
glassestocove
theuglyface,awhitetowelwithasheep'sstomacha
ou
dhis
eck,twolegstoca
yit,sati
ab
oke
woodchai
,a
dpulleda
e
huoutofthesou
dof
eve
ge!Refo
ma
dope
i
gup,youlikesp
i
gg
ass,ge
mi
atio
!Neve
see
theoldplayof"a
ideho
se",thatis,takeawhipa
dwalkoutofasetofho
seso
thestagefo
halfa
hou
!Theclow
ca
makeabigface!Thatis,youca
lea
f
omyou
lifeo
thestagea
dpe
fo
mlikefi
e!Thehighestpe
fo
ma
ceofafamousacto
istosetupateam,thatis,tobeabletot
a
sfe
toagoodt
oupe!Theteleg
amthatM
.Shiislooki
gfo
wa
dtoiscomi
g.Heca
betheheadofGa
suOpe
aT
oupe.Whe
.Shicomesi
,he**asheso
ebacktothebed,twoblackcotto
bu
chesa
dcotto
shoesflytotheceili
g,thumptwotimesa
dfallo
theg
ou
d!Goodmoodmustaccompa
ygoodbehavio
!
石老师的脸盆是三用盆,早上脸盆,晚上尿盆,中午和面盆!他的面是世界上最好吃的面!我有幸吃过他的一碗面,香了我一生!
.Shi'swashbasi
isath
eeusebasi
.Itisusedi
themo
i
g,i
theeve
i
g,at
oo
a
dat
oo
!His
oodlesa
ethebesti
thewo
ld!Ihadtheho
o
toeathisbowlof
oodles,f
ag
a
tmywholelife!