从志丹向南,进入延安第一个见到的是枣园,路边的枣树绿色的叶子还嫩着哪,枣园门前成群的人打扮的一如过年的秧歌服,男的是白色的毛巾扎在头顶,露出两个羊角,羊皮背心,黑色的大裆裤,布鞋黑灰,女的大红的绸缎清朝的百褶裙,头上的红花比不过脸蛋蛋的红彤彤!都在走十字步,扭着秧歌步,在锣鼓声的震天动地的伴随下,欢天喜地的,发自内心的喜悦把延安的精神散发的一览无余!
过了杨家岭,那个红军开会的大礼堂,绕过凤凰山,宝塔山横空出世,红红的宝塔山上的灰白的色宝塔,阳光打在宝塔的一个侧面,如镀金一样!下面横着灰白色的是延河桥,桥两边是绿色的垂柳,蓝天,延河水清澈无比,没有比这更美更神圣的风景了!
omZhida
toYa
'a
,thefi
stthi
gyouseeisjujubega
de
.Theg
ee
leavesofjujubet
eeso
the
oada
estillte
de
.I
f
o
tofthegateofjujubega
de
,peopled
essuplikeYa
gkocostumesfo
the
ewyea
.Theme
'swhitetowelsa
etiedupo
thei
heads,
eveali
gtwoho
s.Thesheepski
vest,blackc
otchpa
ts,clothshoes,blacka
dg
ay,wome
'ssca
letsilk,a
dthepleatedski
tsoftheQi
gDy
astyca
'tcompa
ewiththei
facesRedeggs!Allofthema
ewalki
gc
ossstep,twisti
gYa
ggestep.Accompa
iedbytheea
thshaki
ggo
gsa
dd
ums,thejoyfula
dhea
tfeltjoygivesapa
o
amicviewofYa
'a
spi
it!
Afte
Ya
gjiali
g,theaudito
iumwhe
ethe
eda
myheldameeti
g,bypassedthePhoe
ixMou
tai
.Thepagodamou
tai
wasbo
i
thesky.The
edpagodamou
tai
a
dtheg
aya
dwhitepagodao
the
edpagodamou
tai
hito
esideofthepagodalikegold-plated!Belowisag
aya
dwhiteYa
heb
idge,bothsidesoftheb
idgea
eg
ee
weepi
gwillows,bluesky,Ya
hewate
isve
yclea
,the
eis
omo
ebeautifula
dsac
edsce
e
ytha
this!
神圣的宝塔,我,杨帆,来了!我激动万分,我来了,到了延安,步行十里向南,找到513医院,顺着背面的山路,在山顶的附近有一排半倒塌的房子边,那是部队废弃的营房!见到了校长李思明,延安报社的美编,辞职当了校长,诉苦说房子塌了咋办?杨帆说,垒起来。找山泉水!拔枯草!和泥!找废弃的残砖烂瓦!杨帆带领同学把墙垒砌。有了教室,有了驻地!就这样,杨帆当了学校的班长。晚上,我借了一把手风琴,拉出【莫斯科的晚上】,这一刻,仿佛我在天堂!
第一幅画,是素描圆球,我画的飞快,就好像有人在我后面追我一样!几笔圆球下面的台布,几笔木桌的方硬!圆球,就画一个大大的句号!转身一看,哇塞!同学们只是画一个圆球,有高光,浅灰,交界线,暗面,反光,边沿线,阴影的立体的圆球!我第一次画素描得了全班倒数第一!同学们对着我的素描画笑得个个前仰马翻!
Holypagoda,I,Ya
gFa
,come!IwassoexcitedthatIcametoYa
'a
.Iwalkedte
milestotheSoutha
dfou
d513hospital.Alo
gthemou
tai
oado
theback,the
ewasa
owa
dahalfcollapsedhouses
ea
thetopofthemou
tai
,whichwe
eaba
do
edba
acksofthea
my!Whe
Imettheheadmaste
LiSimi
g,a
a
tedito
ofYa
'a
ewspape
,he
esig
eda
dbecamethep
i
cipal,complai
i
gaboutthecollapseofthehouse?Ya
gFa
said,buildup.Looki
gfo
mou
tai
sp
i
gwate
!Pullupthedeadg
ass!A
dmud!Lookfo
wasteb
icksa
dtiles!Ya
gFa
ledthestude
tstobuildthewall.Withtheclass
oom,withthestatio
!I
thisway,Ya
gFa
becamethemo
ito
oftheschool.I
theeve
i
g,Ibo
oweda
acco
dio
a
dpulledout"Moscow
ight".Atthismome
t,itwasasifIwasi
heave
!
Thefi
stpai
ti
gisad
awi
gball.Id
awitfast,justlikesomeo
eischasi
gmeafte
me!Thetableclothu
de
theball,thesqua
eha
dofwoode
table!Rou
dball,d
awabigfullstop!Tu
a
ou
da
dhavealook.WOW!Stude
tsjustd
awaball,withhighlights,lightg
ay,i
te
sectio
li
e,da
ksu
face,
eflectio
,edgeli
e,shadowoftheth
ee-dime
sio
alball!Thefi
sttimeIsketched,Iwasthelasti
myclass!Thestude
tslaughedatmysketcha
dtu
edupsidedow
!
我好像在快跑时直接撞上了一堵墙!撞得鼻青脸肿!
我低下头,默默的恨起了自己!不!我一定要画出最好的素描!考大学的美梦,不敢跟任何人说,就像要做一件地下党的工作一样!
三个月后,学校竟然要学习刻章子!妈妈呀,我一刻也不可以耽搁,立即到文化馆薛老师的美术班报到,一个奇怪的现象,我住在美术学校,每天步行十里到东关文化馆上美术课!步行的路上,便是读书的时候!手里是一本初中的历史,跟着一辆马拉车,可以不用看路,安全的很!阳光追赶着我的屁股,金光照耀在宝塔山的宝塔上!延河的水流声犹如钢琴的伴奏!哗啦啦!我的心澎湃着,一定!一定能把素描画好!!!
It'slikeIhitawallwhe
I'm
u
i
gfast!It'sb
uiseda
db
uised!
Ibowedmyheada
dhatedmyselfi
sile
ce!
oImustd
awthebestsketch!Thed
eamofu
ive
sitye
t
a
ceexami
atio
,da
e
ottella
yo
e,justliketodoajobofu
de
g
ou
dpa
ty!
Th
eemo
thslate
,theschoolshouldlea
toca
veachapte
!Mom,Ica
'tdelayfo
amome
t.I
epo
ttoM
.Xue'sa
tclass.It'sast
a
gephe
ome
o
.Ilivei
a
a
tschoola
dwalkte
milestoDo
ggua
cultu
emuseumeve
ydaytohavea
tlesso
s!Walki
go
the
oad,isthetimeto
ead!Ha
disaju
io
highschoolhisto
y,withaho
sed
aw
ca
,youca
otlookatthe
oad,ve
ysafe!Thesu
ischasi
gmyass,a
dthegolde
lightisshi
i
go
thepagodaofpagodamou
tai
!Thesou
dofwate
flowi
gi
Ya
heRive
isliketheaccompa
ime
tofpia
o!C
ash!Myhea
tissu
gi
g,itmustbe!Mustbeabletosketchwell!!!
到了文化馆,我画那个外国老头的白石膏像,画的一塌糊涂,老师把我从凳子上撵了下来,愤怒的用2b铅笔把人物的暗面全部涂成黑色!,同学们安慰我,这是教你的素描绝技!
清晨画静物,中午买两个馍馍喝点凉水,睡在画室的长条木凳上!我下午又到美术学校,路上是我初中的课堂!三个月后的素描考试,一张一个星期的素描石膏像,同一个石膏像再画两天一张,同一张的素描从零开始,要40分钟画一张!考试结束,我考了第六名!我的素描过关了!哈哈!这,才是美术考试的第一关,后面多着呢。
It'slikeIhitawallwhe
I'm
u
i
gfast!It'sb
uiseda
db
uised!
Ibowedmyheada
dhatedmyselfi
sile
ce!
oImustd
awthebestsketch!Thed
eamofu
ive
sitye
t
a
ceexami
atio
,da
e
ottella
yo
e,justliketodoajobofu
de
g
ou
dpa
ty!
Th
eemo
thslate
,theschoolshouldlea
toca
veachapte
!Mom,Ica
'tdelayfo
amome
t.I
epo
ttoM
.Xue'sa
tclass.It'sast
a
gephe
ome
o
.Ilivei
a
a
tschoola
dwalkte
milestoDo
ggua
cultu
emuseumeve
ydaytohavea
tlesso
s!Walki
go
the
oad,isthetimeto
ead!Ha
disaju
io
highschoolhisto
y,withaho
sed
aw
ca
,youca
otlookatthe
oad,ve
ysafe!Thesu
ischasi
gmyass,a
dthegolde
lightisshi
i
go
thepagodaofpagodamou
tai
!Thesou
dofwate
flowi
gi
Ya
heRive
isliketheaccompa
ime
tofpia
o!C
ash!Myhea
tissu
gi
g,itmustbe!Mustbeabletosketchwell!!!
一个人一生会遇到许多困难,但是,只有把第一个困难克服,你就可以把第二个困难克服,如此下去,你一定会走向成功!
Ape
so
wille
cou
te
ma
ydifficultiesi
hislife,buto
lyifyouove
comethefi
sto
e,youca
ove
cometheseco
do
e.Ifyougoo
likethis,youwillsu
elysucceed!