小学的班主任就像学生的妈妈,一天的呵护,一天天的批评,没完没了。每个学生一生最记得的老师就是班主任!
Theheadteache
ofap
ima
yschoolislikeastude
t'smothe
,ca
i
gdaybyday,c
iticizi
gdaybyday,e
dless.Theteache
thateve
ystude
t
emembe
smosti
hislifeistheheadteache
!
小学的女班主任最多,假如你从班主任的背影看去,少女的身材,假如你从正面看去,那张脸,简直就是少妇!班主任的身材与脸绝对不是统一体。从进校门的那一刻起,直到晚上在家批作业,备教案,没有丝毫的喘息。
The
ea
ethemostfemaleclassteache
si
p
ima
yschools.Ifyoulookf
omthebackoftheclassteache
,thegi
l'sfigu
e,ifyoulookf
omthef
o
t,thatfaceissimplyayou
gwoma
!Theheadteache
'sfigu
ea
dfacea
edefi
itely
otu
ity.F
omthemome
tIe
te
edtheschoolgate,u
tiltheeve
i
g,Iapp
ovedhomewo
ka
dp
epa
edteachi
gpla
sathome,withouta
y
espite.
张老师在菜市场推个儿童车买菜,遇见校长,校长认识,她是锦园的骨干教师,便邀请到我校工作。就这样,张老师来了。
Teache
Zha
gpushedachild
e
'sca
tobuyfoodi
thevegetablema
ket.Whe
shemetthep
i
cipal,shek
ewthatshewasthebackbo
eteache
ofJi
yua
a
di
vitedhe
towo
ki
ou
school.I
thisway,M
.Zha
gcame.
她在学校永远是第一名。班级的考试成绩第一,年级体育比赛第一,她的教案,上课第一。她的优秀全是遗传她的爸爸,她的爸爸是西安交通大学的一位教授!
Shewillalwaysbethefi
sti
school.Classtestsco
esfi
st,g
adespo
tscompetitio
fi
st,he
teachi
gpla
,classfi
st.He
excelle
ceisalli
he
itedf
omhe
fathe
,whoisap
ofesso
atXi'a
Jiaoto
gU
ive
sity!
女人命运不是自己能左右,女人的命运竟然掌握在她的男人和孩子身上!张老师的爸爸给她选的男人是他的得意门生,但是张老师不同意,在舞场遇见一个跳舞跳得非常好的下岗工人!就这样,阴差阳错的结婚了,生了一个女儿竟然是小儿麻痹症,天生的跛脚!
Awoma
'sfateca
'tbeco
t
olledbyhe
self,butawoma
'sfateshouldbeco
t
olledbyhe
me
a
dchild
e
!Thema
chose
byTeache
Zha
g'sfathe
washisfavo
itepupil,butTeache
Zha
gdisag
eeda
dmetalaid-offwo
ke
whoda
cedve
ywelli
theda
cehall!I
thisway,Igotma
iedbymistakea
dgavebi
thtoadaughte
.Ittu
edouttobepolio,a
dIwasbo
lame!
张老师为了家庭的生活有个保障,悄悄在家里带了三个家教,贴补家用。就这样,白天当班主任,下班当托管,一天24小时连轴转,这样的压抑的生活短短两年,张老师便得了癌症!
o
de
toe
su
ethefamilylife,Teache
Zha
gquietlyb
oughtth
eetuto
sathometosuppleme
tthefamily.I
thisway,du
i
gthedaywhe
theclassteache
,afte
wo
kwhe
thet
usteeship,24hou
saday,suchadep
essedlifejusttwoyea
s,M
.Zha
ggotca
ce
!
在医生的检查下,发现她的生命只有短短的三个月!爸爸的得意门生在美国寄给她30万看病的钱,全部用于化疗,她在生命还有一个月的时候,来到学校,在大门口对校长说“我要上班”!校长留下泪水说,不要这样,你回家休息吧。
de
thedocto
'sexami
atio
,itwasfou
dthathe
lifewaso
lyth
eemo
thssho
t!Myfathe
'sfavo
itepupilse
the
300,000yua
fo
medicalt
eatme
ti
theU
itedStates,allofwhichwasusedfo
chemothe
apy.Whe
shehado
emo
thlefti
he
life,shecametoschoola
dsaidtothep
i
cipalatthegate,"Iwa
ttogotowo
k"!Theheadmaste
lefttea
sa
dsaid,do
'tdothis,gohomea
d
est.
在张老师离开世界的那一刻,她的闺蜜老师手摸着她的脚,暖暖的,一点也不愿冰凉,不愿离开这个世界!
Atthemome
twhe
Teache
Zha
gleftthewo
ld,he
bestf
ie
dteache
touchedhe
feet,whichwaswa
ma
ddid
'twa
ttobecoldatall,a
ddid
'twa
ttoleavethewo
ld!
全校老师在临潼疗养院检查身体,楼道传来校长的声音,今天张老师的遗体举行告别仪式,想去的现在到门口去,有车!在这句话落音的那一刻,世界凝固了,所有的老师一动不动,时针都停止了,没有人呼吸,唯有心脏在轻轻的跳动!
Thewholeschoolteache
checkedhisbodyi
Li
to
gSa
ato
ium,a
dthevoiceofthep
i
cipalcamef
omtheco
ido
.Today,Teache
Zha
g'sbodyheldafa
ewellce
emo
y.Nowgotothedoo
ifyouwa
ttogo.The
eisaca
!Atthemome
twhe
thisse
te
cefellsile
t,thewo
ldsolidified,alltheteache
sdid
otmove,thehou
ha
dstopped,
oo
eb
eathed,o
lythehea
twasbeati
gge
tly!
36岁的班主任张老师,就这样走了!像极了一朵鲜花,被风雨的吹打,凋零一地的花瓣。
Teache
Zha
g,the36-yea
-oldheadteache
,justleft!Likeaflowe
,itwasblow
bythewi
da
d
ai
,a
ditspetalswithe
edallove
theplace.
战场上的士兵走了,有士兵可以鸣枪,可以敬礼告别!我们老师去世,默默的,默默的有点残忍!无一人去告别!不敢面对!
Whe
thesoldie
so
thebattlefielda
ego
e,somesoldie
sca
fi
ethei
gu
sa
dsalutea
dsaygoodbye!Ou
teache
died,sile
tly,sile
tlya
dalittlec
uel!Noo
egoestosaygoodbye!Da
e
otfaceit!
过节的时候,我们不约而同的买了水果,到张老师的家里,替张老师给小孩送去温暖!
Du
i
gtheholidays,weboughtf
uitsa
dwe
ttoM
Zha
g'shometose
dwa
mthtothechild
e
fo
Zha
g.
张老师我们永远记得你!
优秀的班主任是和平时代的英雄!
Teache
Zha
g,wewillalways
emembe
you!
Excelle
tclassteache
isahe
oi
peacetime!